[Sunday 9 March 2025 15:58] - []

Kas Controle Commissie

The Financial Audit Committee (FAC) checks the finances of Scintilla and advises the General Members Meeting about this.

The FAC checks numerous finances, like the association finances of Scintilla, the finances of STORES and the finances of the study tour.

Current members of this committee

Reinder Heddema Treasurer
Sjouke Spijkerman VP Commissioner external affairs
Jannes Koopmans Administrator
Aniek Oude Bruinink VP General member
Bart Schuurman VP General member
Fabian Lacina General member
Herjan Barkman VP General member
Jasper Vinkenvleugel VP General member
Jop ten Wolde VP General member
Jort van de Bovenkamp VP General member
Lars Essenstam VP General member
Pauline Lettinga VP General member
Roosmarijn Meijers VP General member
Tieme Brekveld General member
Timo van Beelen VP General member
Wouter Nijenhuis VP General member

Future activities organised by this committee

No activities.

[All activities]


No vacancies.

[All vacancies]