Scintilla webteam
This website was made possible by:
Jethro Beekman VP |
Development |
Hubert Flisijn VP | Development |
Laurens Fortgens VP | Graphics |
Tom Vocke VP | Graphics |
Eelco Dalhuisen VP | Database |
Olaf van Zandwijk VP | Database |
Henri de Jong VP | Sitemap |
Sjoerd op 't Land VP | Sitemap |
This website is written in with
. All applications are hand-made. Fun facts:
- OS: virtualized Debian 5
- Webserver: Apache 2.2
- Database: 3 times MySQL 5, 59 tables
- Scripting: PHP 5.3, over 20000 lines
- Frameworks: symfony 1.4, Zend
Response form
Let us know what you think of the website by leaving a message!
Current members of this committee
Johan Verzijden | Chairman |
Sijmen Schoon | Secretary |
Bob de Bouwer | Initiator |
Matthijs Aanen | Epibrator |
Rolf Spiering | Epibrator |
Silke Hofstra | Epibrator |
Alfonso Capitano VP | General member |
Bart Schuurman VP | General member |
Boreas Flach | General member |
Jelle Meijers | General member |
Niels Erren | General member |
Peter Kingma | General member |
Stan Groen | General member |
Timo van Beelen VP | General member |
Toby Vreman | General member |
Willem Mulder | General member |
Pieter Paasman VP | CCP |
Future activities organised by this committee
No activities.
[All activities]
No vacancies.